What’s the Plan?

Analyzing Chicago’s Gun Violence Reduction Strategy

In partnership with the Chicago Faith Leaders Coalition and the Fund Peace Chicago campaign, Live Free Chicago has prepared this report to review current and past administrations’ approaches to gun violence in Chicago and make recommendations for a comprehensive strategy to reduce gun violence in our City.

Click here to download the analysis and learn more about how we can reduce gun violence in Chicago by establishing a permanent Office of Gun Violence Reduction.

From the report:

“The landscape of violence in Chicago presents a clear picture of unaddressed unhealthiness within our communities. Chicago’s ongoing gun violence crisis isn’t just a mere issue of criminality, but of public health. Any plan for the reduction of Gun Violence in Chicago must take a public health approach that involves the entirety of government. According to the Vera Institute for Justice, it should be informed by experts, driven by research, and built in coordination with community organizations and faith communities. Aspirationally, such work should also engage seriously with–and potentially derive funding from–the philanthropic and business communities; however, lack of participation from the public sphere does not absolve the Mayor’s Office and City Hall of their sole responsibility for addressing this essential matter of life and death. We believe any workable comprehensive strategy to reduce the causes and effects of Gun Violence must entail: guaranteed funding, accountability, transparency, community supervision, capacity building, the power to effect policy.”